This project explores GBV practices, particularly child marriage and related issues such as teenage pregnancies and sexual and verbal abuses in six Kusaal speaking communities (Zebilla, Bawku, Garu, Tempani, Pusiga and Binduri) in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Its main goal is to find out how GBV related practices are conceptualised in folktales, proverbs and songs of the Kusaas and to use appropriate docudramas and songs as tools to mitigate the practices in order to attain social transformation.

Using a local popular song and a docudrama (both produced by local artistes), the project deploys a project website, WhatsApp, a YouTube Channel, Ghana Television (GTV) and Dastech FM in Bawku West in the Upper East Region (which broadcasts in Kusaal), to disseminate these popular cultural artifacts to the rural communities and the general public. The intent of this is to educate and empower women and children to resist the practice of child marriage. This aligns with CUSP Network Plus’ main aim of enhancing the use of popular culture and arts of rural communities in ways that promote women and girls’ participation in peacebuilding and social transformation.